Training and Career Development cooperation- a project with GIZ

A Projects with GIZ

The Hawassa Industrial Park( HIP), initiated by the Ethiopian government in cooperation with the private sector, currently hosts about 23 international garment manufacturers, producing goods for the US and the European markets.

Companies at the HIP face several challenges: lack of qualified workers and management personnel, lack of appropriate career guidance and relevant training models at educational institutions. Students, graduates and young professionals, however, are one of the most important assets for further positive development of the Ethiopian private sector. To match private partners’ expectation, it is essential for young people to be well trained.

Therefore, the aim of the cooperation with GIZ is to strengthen the industry-education linkage and improve the qualifications of lower and middle- management employees, as well as future employees, in the textile and garment industry by innovative and practice-oriented training approaches.

Training models and approaches

  • Cooperative training for college students( 1 month)
  • Internships for university students( 3 months)
  • Management and technical training for graduate university and college students( 2 months)
  • Externships( summer schools) for university and college staff
  • Management and leadership training for employees( scenario-based,modular,12 hours)
  • Organizational development( Individually tailored trainings for companies( 2 weeks)

So far, after this industry-education linkage was introduced, Over 1,000 TVET students and University graduates had access to internship and training in one year.

Career Service Center

Skill assessment and career counseling hub was also established with the support of GIZ to facilitate further education and employment for job seekers and employees. The center:

  • Develop competency matrix for selected career pathways.
  • Recommend trainings according to competency assessment.
  • Involve in selection of trainings( soft skills, leadership,etc.)
  • Access to professionally relevant learning mateials.
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