The United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Worker Wellness Alliance (WWA) project presents an agile and measurable platform for worker, community, government and private-sector engagement that aligns and supports Ethiopia in its Journey to Self reliance. Worker Wellness Alliance works in Hawassa City, which is home to the largest industrial park in Ethiopia. Industrial parks are new to the country, so WWA works with key stakeholders to adopt outside-the-park initiatives aimed at fostering stable, resilient and prosperous communities. Targeting two populations — newly recruited female factory workers and host community members — WWA implements interventions to support the arrival and integration of workers into the community of Hawassa City and increasing the ability of communities to benefit from the region’s growing population and expanding industrial base. To this end, Plan Ethiopia has established welcome centers both at the park and in the community and the below services have been offered by the center:

  •  Distribution of info booklet and mobile airtime for female factory workers
  • Dissemination and free mobile card top up to newly recruited workers at the park welcome center
  • Organizing recreational activities at the welcome center
  • Providing lodging service to new workers who arrive from the catchment area at the community welcome center established in Dato Kebele.

In addition, WWA facilitates the provision of grant/subgrant to local shops in different kebeles where workers dwell & allow workers to purchase products with discounted price. It works to Integrate  workers with the host community through organizing community conversation It also organizes  training on gender based violence and reproductive health.

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