Improving the employability of fresh graduates in HIP under the develop PPP program

A Consensus was reached to continue the current cooperation between  HIPIA , Hawassa University, TVET, and public colleges in improving the employability of fresh graduates in HIP under the develop PPP program that will come to an end on 1st of July 2022.

Following a workshop organised in Hawassa on April 20/2022, HIPIA has signed a  memorandum of understanding between  Hawassa University, Polytechnic college, and TVET colleges.

The develop PPP program funded by GIZ and PVH and executed by HIPIA since 2018 has been linking government educational institutes with Hawassa Industrial Park through facilitating internships, externships as well as by paying pocket money to those interns who engage on the job training. This program will come to an end on the 1st of July 2022. The memorandum of understanding is believed to sustain the training and job opportunities for graduates in the future.

These opportunities have enhanced the employability of students and as of today  out of 550 total internships in HIP, 100 have led to a job at the park.

Hawassa Industrial Park Investor Association in partnership with GIZ has also been developing a career service center whose objective is to provide better qualified lower and middle managers to factories with the help of the center.

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